The Positioning Compass

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Carve Your Niche in a Crowded Field: Positioning Techniques That Showcase You as the Obvious Choice for Ideal Clients 


Presenting your value clearly and persuasively is one of the most important factors of freelance success. Yet most writers create the wrong perception on their website, their LinkedIn profile and in prospect conversations by focusing on the wrong factors.  


This Toolkit session will give you the clarity and tools you need to position yourself effectively in your market. 


You’ll discover: 


  • How to best define what you do well ... what market you can best serve ... what makes you different from other writers ... why those differences matter to your target audience. (Hint: you don’t have to pick a single industry to make this work!)  

  • What good clients really want from a freelance creative professional. And how you can position yourself to be the obvious choice.  

  • A deep-dive exercise to help you identify and describe your ideal client. We’ll use your findings to inform your positioning.  

  • The secret to crafting a compelling value statement that sets you apart in a crowded market. And how to use that statement to craft persuasive, high-impact copy for various platforms, boosting your visibility and demand. 

  • The differentiation techniques that elevate your services above the competition and help you boost your marketing efficiency and success rate. 

  • The keys to turning your background and experiences into a unique selling proposition that make you irresistible to clients. 


And much more! 


You’ll come away with: 


  • A new and improved positioning.  

  • Key messages you can use for your web copy, prospecting emails and proposals. 

  • And talking points that will enable you to have more persuasive conversations with prospective clients.